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Digital Arts Studio’s Photo Restoration Now On-line

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Preserve all your film images by having them professionally scanned at high res-olution.  Any size print, black and white or color, slides, transparencies or film negatives can be converted into digital file format.
Even when properly stored, photos, old newspapers and documents can age, fade and discolor. We have significant expertise in digitally restoring your most treasured old photographs without risk to the original.  We scan your original, retouch only the digital file, print on archival paper and archive your order for future reprints. We can also include a CD for your own safe-keeping.   We’ll quote the full cost upfront and email proofs if desired.
RESTORATION SERVICES – $18.75 per quarter hour. We will need to see the damage to accurately quote your job.  You may bring in your originals or carefully packand ship to us for review.
