The juror, Frank Webb, one of the foremost watercolor painters of today, has been included in the “20 Great Watercolor Teachers” by the American Artist Magazine, “Watercolor”. For this exhibit, he has chosen 67 works from over 200 submitted by GWS members from around the country.
Read MoreMirrorMate Sale Now On Through Sept. 2…stop by Digital Arts Studio to view samples and place your order. When ordered through Digital Arts Studio you pay NO SHIPPING and WE ASSEMBLE THE FRAME FOR YOU!
Read MoreAUGUST 23, 2014 By BARNEY DAVEY Selling art to interior designers will boost your career. Here’s how: 1. Stress-free, quick sales 2. Get paid immediately 3. Curriculum vitae or resume not required 4. Top interior designers are repeat buyers 5. Easy to find and approach If you are in the business of…
Read MoreEMPLOYEE GALLERY EXHIBIT AT DIGITAL ARTS STUDIO You are invited to visit Digital Arts Studio now through mid-September to view the artwork of our talented staff. On display is the artwork of Albrica Tierra, Frederic Cisneros, Meghann Eberhardt, Ralph Groff, Logan Kearse and Allen Mason. This is an exhibit that is not to be missed.…
Read MoreFine Art Photography can be best distinguished from a mere photograph by the intent of the artist or concept behind the image. A snapshot versus a creative expression. Out of all of the mediums of art, I believe photography is most accessible with the advent of the point and shoot camera, underwater cameras, disposable cameras…
Read MoreDigital Arts Studio is honored to be involved with the photo exhibit Profiles Of Poverty which opened at the mall in Colony Square on Tuesday, August 5 running through the end of the month. Digital Arts Studio completed all the printing and framing for the exhibit along with donating all the signage. Click the following…
Read MoreCOMING IN OCTOBER; Women In Focus Exhibit at Digital Arts Studio. Mark your calendar to join us for an opening reception on Saturday, October 11, 6-9pm. All are welcome!
Read MoreDigital Arts Studio is honored to be involved with the Profiles of Poverty exhibit scheduled to open in Colony Square August 5th. We were asked to print and frame over 50 photos for the exhibit. The photos are a powerful reminder of those individuals who go undetected by the general population. Please make a point…
Read MoreAfter many years of working only in graphite pencil, Lisa recently took the plunge into the exciting world of pastel. She was privileged to study pastels under Lesley Harrison, an internationally known pastel artist specializing in painting animals. Lisa also studied photography at the Southeastern Center for the Arts and credits her photographic skills with…
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